- I have a beastx that I have taken from my Compass 6HV and put into a new T-rex 600EFL PRO that is not working as expected.
- Upon setup i noticed that the servo on CH3 did not work, but worked if bending the servo wire slightly. I assumed it was the servo and replaced it with anotherservo and same thing happended.
- Both servoes working fine when coupled directly into a reciever, but on CH3 on the beastx they only work with some sideways pressure on contact. Alle other ports is working fine one the beastx, and all servoes put on CH3 does not work fine.
- So my conclusion is that it is some mechanical contact failure inside the beastx on CH3
- The pins inside is clean, and when touched with a screw driver everything apperas ok, and nothing is loose (apparently)
Beastx accepted a return on this basis. I love the Beastx!!
Only missing Beastx Features.
- 4 servo CCPM support
- Governor
- New sensors