Graupner MX24 with Jeti Duplex TU2
- Only used with Jeti Receivers and Telemetry sensors
- Pictures on how to solder Jeti TU2 into MX24 is available
- In my opinion Jeti Duplex EX is the best 2.4Ghz system on the market today. I’m waiting for the new DS-16 series of Jeti transmitters with great anticipation.
JR DSX9 DSM2 transmitter
- Bought for the sole purpose to be used with light and cheap DSM2 receivers for indoor and small planes.
- Deltang receivers weights from 0,5 grams – perfect for shaving of the last grams from your indoor models
- Orange RX form medium sized aircrafts under 1,3m in wingspan and under 1,5Kg in weigth